
Things are not going my way. This is depressing!!!!
Will I falter from now on?? Why is it all about writing!!!!

You win

I give up.

I apologize

because I am humble enough to admit that it is partially my fault.

Should I give up

Or should I just keep chasing pavements?

My flaw

I do not know how to do discussion with people who talk out of topic, brag, or try too hard to impress.


If you want to reach the top, climb with me and I'll wade through the pain. Not drag me by clinging yourself on me, expecting me to carry you behind.



I'm not

I'm not a business student.
I'm better, with technical know how.

I'm not a businessman.
I'm better than just mere short sighted profit.

I'm better.
I'm a forward thinker.

And we have too many myopia in here.

If I sound like a sore loser

Well that's because I fucking am.

There's only so much shit I give about

Be happy you're one of them.